Saturday, January 19, 2013

Unfortunate & Arbitrary decision of NCERT.

          Till last year NCERT has conducted National Talent Search Examination (NTSE) for class VIII students. In the year 2012 it has conducted the written test on 13th May 2012, where no of students appeared after they have been scrutinized and selected from their respective States.
After the examination was over NCERT has published Keys (answers) for both the papers i.e. SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test) and MAT (Mental Ability Test) and asked for suggestion to be given by 15th of July-2012. After receiving the suggestions, NCERT published the final result of the successful candidates along with the correct keys on 16th August-2012.
          As per the list 1040 students were declared successful, where the cut off mark was 148. These students who scored 148 marks were waiting anxiously to get the certificate and the scholarship; however these students’ names were not there in the second list which has been published in the first week of Jan.2013, after a gap of five months, even the cut off marks remained same.
          While enquiring with the NCERT, we came to know that it has published a frozen key, where question No.8 of SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test) has not been given any mark, though the answer for the same question was given  as  4  in the keys published in August -2012. Because of this around 40 students were debarred from the scholarship. By doing so no one is benefited rather some students were debarred from the list, who were given mark for that particular question No 8 in SAT paper. When by giving mark in the question for the right answer and subsequently deducting helps no one rather discourage the young talents who were selected initially. This is really an injustice done to the young kids of hardly 13 to 14 years old. This has never been done in the last 50 years of NTSE examination. Yes if any injustice done to other students, then it would have something different or initially no one should have given marks for the same, so that this sort of shock might not have been in their mind who were selected and again the scholarship have been snatched away from their hand.


NCERT being such a responsible organization and it is making the future of the country by bringing the best talents of the country to the lime light through various talent search examinations. If this sort of things happen then what will go to the minds of the young talents about the functioning of the Govt. bodies. Many of the students who are affected because of this are disturbed.

          If the same thing would have been done in the first instance, then the scene would have been different, the students might have been adjusted like other students who were not selected. After getting selected and again names are deleted is really very pathetic for these young kids who are the future of the country.

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