Friday, February 1, 2013

INJSO answer key and solution

will be available today by 8 pm


  1. please publish correct key by 8 pm

  2. why 3rd question is changed in resostart level 2 class -9.I demand

  3. Please also publish jso 's question paper

  4. I'm scoring around 205 marks. Can I expect selection??? Others are requested to put up their marks.
    2 questions are wrong in paper. Q.36,56
    q.53 answer is B
    Q.64 answer is C

    When the answer key of astronomy will be declared? I expect around 30 marks.

  5. Q.71 answer should be B.
    Q.56 None of them are correct. Solution:
    Ans.56: Every time it bounces, it reaches 80% of its height i.e. it loses 20% of its energy.
    After 4 bounces it will reach a height of (0.8)^4= 0.4096 meters
    From law of conservation of energy,
    initial energy mgh= m*10*1=10m Joules
    Final energy mgh'= m*10*0.4096 = 4.096*m Joules
    Loss= 5.904*m Joules
    Q=m*c*(change in temperature), where c is specific heat,given as 0.1 cal/g/Celsius
    => c=0.4182 Joules per gram per degree Celsius

    5.904*m= m*0.4182*t
    => t= 5.904/0.4182= 14.117 degree Celsius
    But none of the option is 14.117 degree Celsius

    1. make all the quantities in si units and u will get 0.014

  6. Question No. 53
    Answer is 80 degree but none of the option is 80.
