I.A.P.T. Office,
I.I.E. Campus,
128/2, J. P. Naik Marg, Kothrud
Pune- 411038
File Ref No: RTI/ IAPT /1
Information seeking under Right to Information Act.
I am submitting this request exercising my RIGHT TO
INFORMATION to provide me following information regarding examinations
conducted by you.
- Please give the details regarding the no of students appeared in NSEJS, NSEA, NSEP, and NSEC & NSEB in year 2012.
- Please give the details regarding the no of OMRs/ answer sheets processed in the all the above mentioned exams.
- Please give the state wise cutoff for all the above mentioned exams.
- Please give the details (please also give the copy of the invigilator report) regarding the surprise visits carried out at various centers by IAPT in 2012 exams.
- Please give the details regarding the correction reported/suggested in official answer key released by IAPT. Please also give the action taken on the same by IAPT.
- Please tell me the marks of the roll no ____________ in the exam_______
I am attaching the Rs 20 postal order along with this
application. Do let me know the required
fee for want of the information under RTI.
Thanking you
1. Postal order
I spoke with Prof Olgapurkar today. He says IAPT is not covered under RTI act. He laughs at the misery of deserving students. He has only one answer for any and all the questions and concerns of anybody who dare call him is "I have no comments". IAPT appears to me like a secret society than any organisation of any credibility. God save the children of this country from this academic dons.
ReplyDeleteDear Sir,
ReplyDeleteMarks of students will reach the schools along with center top 10% certificates by January 2013 end(as printed on Question Papers). Everything will be clear.
What is the point sir? What purpose will it serve? Do you think that will ease the pain of deserving students or should we think the cover up operation would be over by then? HBCSE sends the marks card and cutoff marks at the same time. That is called transparency. Unfortunately the all important 1st stage is being handled by people like you who has no concern about the lost oppurtunity of a chaild and how bad a reputation you are garnering to you and these olympiads. We have reasons to beleive you are selling out the countries future and those reasons were given by none other than you. Hats off to your courage in saying " Everything will be clear". I trust you meant " Everything will be ober.
ReplyDeleteProf. M. L. Oglapurkar
IAPT Office, I.I.E. Campus,
128/2, J. P. Naik Marg, Kothrud,
Pune - 411 038.
Email: iapt@vsnl.net
For kind attention of
Prof. Vijay Singh
National Co-ordinator
Science Olympiads
Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education (TIFR)
V.N. Purav Marg, Mankhurd
Mumbai - 400 088
Prof. R.M.Dharkar
Chief Co-ordinator (IAPT Examinations)
1/22, Devendu, Mithbunder Road,
Thane (E) - 400 603
Respected Sir,
I would like to bring it to the kind notice of all of you who has been given the responsibility of conducting NSEJS stage 1 examinations about my concern as a parent whose son has been forced into depression on the new year day.
Neither of us expect success at every exam he writes. But he has been preparing well for the past 18 months for this exam and as per the key given on the IAPT website he was expecting a score around 170.
As you all are aware the results has been declared on 1st January 2013 and it was a slap on the face of all those who wrote this exam seriously. No marks has been given, no cutoff marks has been declared, and just a few names which you call the selection list.
I have spoken to Prof. Oglapurkar and tried reason out with him that at least if you declare the cutoff marks and if the student has not scored above that, that would ease his pain. And if he strongly believes he has scored more than the cutoff he might opt for revaluation of his OMR sheet. If he can get know his marks that will help him to understand where he stands in the competition and how to improve. That is the very purpose of any examination. This is the natural course of justice in the interest of all those students who have written the exam. Instead Prof. Oglapurkar want me believe that IAPT has totally a different set of rules which does not add to the reputation of either IAPT or these olympiads. I was told by Prof. Oglapurkar that the marks will be sent to the centers in the first week of February by which will be of no use to the students as by then Stage 2 exam would be over.
In view of all these facts which I hope you would appreciate kindly, I request you to kindly let me know the marks of my son Nagam Lahari Teja, Hall ticket no AP 301 0048 and the cutoff marks.
I sincerely request you to resolve the issue in the interest of all the students. I will leave no stone un turned till the justice has been done to poor little children. Fortunately constitution has equipped every Indian citizen with RTI act, Human Rights Commission and above all Judiciary Process. I hope things will not go that far and the good sense will prevail.
Thanking You
With Regards
Dr.Sai Murali.N
Medical Director & Professor of Ophthalmology
Rajan Eye Care Hospital
Nellore-Andhra Pradesh
Mobile: 91 98480 17009
ReplyDeleteI regret to inform you that IAPT, Pune has refused to disclose Cut off marks for Rajasthan State in NSEJS Exam 2012 . My son Sarthak Mishra who appeared from Kota (Exam Code - RJ-160) is supposed to secure 172 marks as per the answer key provided. He has not been declared qualified. His friend who appeared to have secured 112 from Delhi has been declared qualified.When I asked Mr Gokhale Borse of IAPT, Pune he bluntly refused to disclose the cut-off marks for Rajasthan State. When I told him that the examination system needs to be fully transparent, Mr Borse refused to comment. I would like to mention that not a single student of Kota Center has qualified . It appears that IAPT has rejected all students who appeared from Kota Center for reasons best known to them. As the exam is ultimately supported by Government, it has to be transparent. I earnestly request you to kindly look into the matter. I shall be extremely grateful to you if you could request IAPT to declare cut-off marks of all the states to ward off any doubt over the process of evaluation. There is no reason at all to keep the cut-off marks secret. No examination system can be said to be impartial unless it is transparent.
With regards
Respected Sir
Thanks for your prompt reply. The websites you have referred to do not provide any information about cut-off marks of different states in Stage -1 exam (NSEJS). It is my earnest request that IAPT may be directed to upload cut-off marks of different states and marks obtained by selected students. This is essential to make the examination system fair and transparent. The information provided by IAPT is surrounded by secretiveness and arbitrariness. The have chosen not to disclose the cut off marks for states which is unfair and dubious.
Dear Professor, please use your authority to introduce transparency in all stages of the examination.
That is my point too. I have sent mails to all concerned requesting them to declare the cutoff marks and the marks scored by every student. I will wait till monday. If nothing positive happens then I am going to file a writ petetion in the court of law as well as approach human rights commission. My lawer says since evry student hap paid a fee for the exam he is entitled to know his marks and other relavant information. Depriving this right will be a defficiency of service So I am going to file a consumer complaint as well. Thogh Prof Oglapurkar claims IAPT does not come under the perview of RTI act HBCSE on its website clearly says it does comply with RTI act. So let RTI commissioner decide whether or not Oglapurkar has to respect the the laws of the country. I hate litigation but am going to go all the way for the benifit of young Indians. I do not want them to grow with a feeling of helplessness and in perpetual anger. I REQUEST ALL AGGREIVED PARENTS TO JOIN HANDS AND FIGH TOGETHER.
Dr.Sai Murali
ReplyDeletei am of madhya pradesh and was expecting marks around 80 and one of my friend was expecting 30 marks from iapt key... but he got selected and one of my friend expecting 120 marks didnt got selected..... the whole system is corrupt.everybody should come and fight togother for this.
Truely said all of you, I also was expecting 210 marks (acc. to iapt key) in NSEC, 140 in NSEP and 196 in NSEA but I am denied selection in each of them but to my surprise out of total 167 centres from delhi all the students selected were from just 2 centres I.e dl-144 and dl-041. How it can be possible. Even a person with disable mind can understand the corruptness in the whole process. I am compeletly disturbed with the selection list declared by the iapt. Iapthas not done justice with us instead they are in the clutches of entrance bigwigs like fiitjee etc because these 2 centres are fiitjee associate schools and you can imagine that yoyo what extent they can go to show their results and boast of it .
ReplyDeletecorruption in india.....destroying future of bright minds.
DeleteI am looking into the comments made here and can see some of us are in pain and certainly seems others are not concerned much, I request you all that plz just like Dr Sai and Sh K N Misra ji, plz when you are writing what is correct and and are in anger plz write your names, state, subject and marks; so that our pain may be heard loudly, else the mater would soon become a mater of chat only. Hope we all understand that men at IAPT do not have anything personal with us; also they even do not exactly know who is who, even they are normal men just like us with a higher level of intelligence as professionals. Yes I do believe that very wrong has been done to our kids. But this has nothing to do with corruption -
ReplyDeleteCan you name anybody who has passed and yelling here ( except me). True that even me like you feel something serious has to be done in the matter.
I could not understand that people at IAPT are the same since last more than 3 yrs, and all was fine previously, I never heard anything in previous yrs in any of the subjects, Then why now only.
I personally think that men at IAPT must be reasonable and can give an ear to plea, if we present our mater in proper and correct manner with right solution. I hope even they must have the reason and understand the responsibility to forward the able and real Gems to HBCSE that must be the reason why HBCSE rely on them. And that must be the reason any of us could never able to question about the selected students who appeared at International olympiad and brought us laurels for the country. Even in IJSO last year none came empty hand.
Hence again I would most humbly request to kindly let the problem be presented properly on fats and suggest some solution, so that any of together we all can get relief.
And please be quick ad the time is running out fast.
Hope all would understand and instead of just complaining a possible solution may come out or the people there will give us correct reason.
Prof. Vijay Singh
ReplyDeleteNational Co-ordinator
Science Olympiads
Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education (TIFR)
V.N. Purav Marg, Mankhurd
Mumbai - 400 088.
Dear Sir,
Thank you so much and been very kind and understanding. I appreciate that.
But the purpose of conducting the olympiads is being defeated if the deserving students are filtered out during the initial stage itself.
IAPT is a joke and I am very sorry to say this. I was told by Prof Oglapurkar very reluctantly after your persuasion two numbers. One is the cutoff for Andhra Prdesh which he said is 150 and my son Nagam Lahari Teja's marks which are 139.
As per the key declared on IAPT website he and his teachers sincerely believe that he would score 172. I am not taking it personally or do I have any grudge on anybody. If he does not qualify, so be it. However I do not want my son or any other kid to grow with a feeling of helplessness and in perpetual anger.
I am requesting you and Prof.Oglapurkar to allow me to verify his OMR sheet so that we can conclude this matter once and for all. I hope you are aware of the fact that by law every student has right to know his marks.
What is stopping me from taking a legal course of action is that would first result in a stay order on the entire selection process and that would harm the interest students who already made it to the selection list unless it is really flawed. If I have no other option left then ofcourse as last measure I will have to take that course. I once again humbly request you to look at issue from our perspective also for a while and decide appropriately. As far as my understanding "The pro gramme is financially supported by Government of India, in particular, by Board of Nuclear Sciences (Department of Atomic Energy), Department of Science and Technology, Department of Space and Ministry of Human Resource Development."(This is an extract from HBCSE website). Hence comes under the perview of RTI act and every high court has jurisdiction over the process and grievances. So transparency is mandatory and I am requesting nothing but transparency.
Thanks & Regards
Dr.Sai Murali
Dear All,
ReplyDeleteOn 11 December I have reached Pune all the way from Nellore in Andhra Pradesh. After umpteen no of phone calls to Prof. Vijay Sing the National Co ordinater for Olympiads and pleading for mercy he ultimately agreed to allow me see the OMR sheet in person at IAPT office as a special consideration(God only knows why I was given the special privilege). After confirming with Prof Oglapurkar ( He warned me that this is all un official and he is doing it only because he was instructed by Prof. Vijay Sing and it is against the policy of IAPT) I made my travel arrangements to Pune.
At about 2.30PM i have reached IAPT office. Can you believe it? I was searched and my Mobile,Laptop was taken away by thug before letting me into a small sparsely furnished room where Prof.Oglapurkar was holding court.
After curt and brief introductions he lectured about the divine work that is being done by IAPT and its history for about 20 minutes. Then he tossed a xeroxed OMR sheet on to my face and told me to check it. He told me there are 4 different sets of question papers with the same questions but in different order. Lahari Teja's Question paper was from D set. The key displayed on the website is of set A. So he told me a key of QP SET D is different and gave it to me.
He explained Lahari Teja has answered 52 questions correctly which gives him a positive score of 156, left 9 questions un answered which will not have any effect on his score, and 17 wrong answers which would give him 17 negative marks and in all the total adds up to 139 which is way below the cut off of 150 for Andhra Pradesh. I started to believe all this and was about to really appreciate the meticulous work done by this close to 80 years old Professor. Then I SAW a word "DELETD" written with a pencil on the key. Then I pointed out the same to the Professor and asked him to explain that. He looked a little uneasy and told me that after the key was displayed on the web site there was few objections from some people and hence he deleted 4 questions, and for 2 questions he two options were considered right options. At that point the key and the answer sheet was taken away from and he became very hostile. I have once again requested him to let me check the OMR sheet with this new information. He refused. I asked why the changes in the key were not updated in the website. Some vague answers which I guess even he could not understand. And all of a sudden he said he has another appointment and asked me to leave.
What am I supposed to do friends?
I gave up. Shrugged off and returned with a satisfaction that at least my son surely must have made it. 6 questins were in dispute even if 3 were in his favor he would have made it. And there is no evidence that the real cut off is 150. And he is not willing to declare marks of the selected candidates.
How does it look to you all??? At least I believe IAPT is a scam. Whole world has seen last year what happend and there is not even an ounce of guilt or concern for students. Secrecy is what they preach which smells nothing but a scam.
I have voice records of all telephone conversations I have had with IAPT and HBCSE and also recorded the in-room conversation I have had with Professor Oglapurkar. We have have a very strong reason to move the court for justice to children. But if we take that course that would stall the selection process and add pressure on selected children and their performance in the next stages. My son or the other kids, I wouldn't do anything to harm anybody.
I only make an appeal to whoever is responsible for thees Olympiads. Please, for the sake of children whose enthusiasm is unparalleled do not demoralize them. Do not give such an important task to organizations like IAPT which are close knit secret societies and claim that they are unquestionable in any way in any matter pertaining to whatever they do. And finally my request is dont take my word for facts. Conduct an enquiry and you will know the facts and if possible try to do justice for all the aspirants.
Dr.Sai Murali
iapt has different cut offs for different states. The variation in marks can be as much as100 marks. this is schocking and against the fundamental rights of students. Ask iapt to give state wise cut off marks and you will be schocked to see the variation and wide differences .
ReplyDeleteIapt gave wrongly printed omr sheets and they have deleted 4 questions for baseless reasons